Breaking Barriers in Pet Health: How we helped Dinovite Increase Their ROAS by 61%

53% Decrease in CPA

61% Increase in ROAS

29.9% Increase in Orders

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About Dinovite

Dinovite leads the pack in crafting balanced nutritional supplements that support happier, healthier pets. Known for their unique blend of prebiotics, probiotics, vitamins, and proteins, Dinovite's products are designed to enhance everyday meals with essential nutrients that pets need but often miss due to the processing of their foods.

In our partnership with Dinovite, our goal was to amplify their online visibility and refine their marketing tactics. We focused on clearly articulating the unique benefits of the "Dinovite Difference" to pet owners globally, enhancing engagement and increasing sales through targeted advertising and creative user-generated content strategies. We also addressed the elevated acquisition costs and their untapped potential in UGC.

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Expanding Reach While Ensuring Cost-Effectiveness



Expanding Reach While Ensuring Cost-Effectiveness

Dinovite came to Structured with a clear goal: reduce their unsustainable Cost Per Acquisition (CPA) of $80 and expand their market presence without excessive costs. Operating in the competitive pet care sector, they needed to communicate the benefits of their nutritional supplements more effectively, leveraging both their product line and online presence. They had a problem over-reliance on outdated marketing strategies and a lack of dynamic user-generated content (UGC), which hindered their ability to connect authentically with pet owners.

From the start, we recognized that the account needed an overhaul of its content strategy to engage a broader demographic more effectively. Fresh, engaging user-generated content was crucial to revitalizing Dinovite’s appeal and reaching more pet owners with relatable, persuasive narratives. Addressing the scarcity and monotony of their existing UGC and introducing diverse, impactful content were our first steps toward reducing CPA and enhancing overall marketing efficacy.

What were the pain points?

The main challenge here: Tackling High Acquisition Costs 

Dinovite found themselves grappling with an unsustainably high Cost Per Acquisition (CPA) of $80, severely limiting their growth potential in the competitive pet care industry. This challenge was compounded by a significant gap in their marketing efforts—namely, a lack of engaging user-generated content (UGC), which restricted their ability to connect with and expand their target audience.

Some of the issues that contributed to their high CPA were an outdated marketing strategy that failed to leverage modern, content-driven approaches and a noticeable deficiency in utilizing UGC to showcase the real-world benefits of their nutritional supplements for pets. These gaps not only hindered customer engagement but also stifled conversion rates and overall market penetration.

So Dinovite had to ask themselves 3 crucial questions:

  • How can they revitalize their marketing strategy to reduce CPA and enhance audience engagement?
  • How to effectively incorporate UGC to demonstrate the tangible benefits of our products?
  • What was needed to ensure sustainable growth in a market crowded with competitors?

It was clear that a strategic refresh was needed to optimize their marketing spend effectively.

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How did we do it?

We undertook a comprehensive overhaul of Dinovite’s marketing strategies, refining their approach to user-generated content and creative testing to better address their unique challenges in the pet nutrition industry. This multifaceted strategy not only improved brand credibility but also positioned Dinovite as a key player in the pet care market. We launched a series of content initiatives designed to resonate deeply with pet owners, supporting flexible campaign structures across multiple platforms.

Building on this made the next steps easy:

Customized Creative Testing:

We rigorously tested a variety of ad formats to pinpoint the most compelling messaging strategies. This included dynamic, problem-solution formats that directly addressed common pet health issues that Dinovite products alleviate.

Amplification of User-Generated Content:

Recognizing the power of authentic customer stories, we amplified our UGC efforts by engaging with pet owners who had seen the real benefits from using Dinovite products. This not only enhanced credibility but also increased relatability among their audience.

Innovative Campaign Strategies:

We utilized TikTok-style ads and influencer collaborations to extend reach and deepen engagement. Whitelisting influencer content allowed us to harness their credibility, widening our audience through trusted voices in the pet care community.

Data-Driven Optimization:

Leveraging these analytics, we continuously refined strategy based on real-time data, ensuring that each campaign was optimized for the highest possible return on ad spend. This allowed us to adapt quickly to market feedback and maintain a cost-effective acquisition strategy.

Through these efforts, we transformed Dinovite’s marketing framework into a high-performing engine, ready to drive their growth effectively and sustainably.

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Account Overview

We Inherited an Account That Had:

  • High Cost Per Acquisition (CPA) at $80, limiting scalability and growth.
  • Inadequate use of user-generated content (UGC)
  • Limited creative diversity
  • An under optimized digital presence
  • A lack of advanced targeting and segmentation in ads

What We Implemented for Dinovite:

Marketing Strategy Overhaul:

We revamped Dinovite’s entire marketing approach, introducing a dynamic blend of creative testing and sophisticated user-generated content strategies. This overhaul led to lower CPA and enhanced the brand's interaction with potential customers.

Enhanced Creative Testing:

We explored various ad formats to discover the most effective ones, focusing on those that clearly demonstrated the benefits of Dinovite’s products and addressed common pet health concerns directly.

Strategic UGC Integration:

Amplified the use of authentic user-generated content to build trust and relate directly to the target audience’s needs, showcasing real-life success stories of pets benefiting from Dinovite products.

Optimized Digital Campaigns:

Implemented advanced digital strategies including TikTok-style ads and influencer collaborations, broadening reach and improving engagement through contemporary platforms and techniques.

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Main points to note:

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The Outcome?

53% Decrease in CPA

61% Increase in ROAS

29.9% Increase in Orders

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